Clear Lake Fire District #4
23676 Jackson St
Clear Lake, WA 98235
Skagit County Fire District #4 was founded in 1946. A membership was developed on January 1, 1947, when we purchased our first engine and took delivery on April 13, 1948. The engine has been recently restored (thanks to Stacy Jansma) and currently serves our district as a display at department-led community events, and parades. It is a reminder of our rich history and those who have served our community before us.
Station #1 on Jackson Street was built in 1981 and currently houses engines 411 and 412, tender 416, and aid 419. Station 1 has two bunk rooms and living quarters for resident firefighters. It has adequate space for training every Tuesday night. Our firefighters train at least one night a week, and often more, in order to provide the highest level of service possible to an increasing population and a growing demand of the fire service.
Volunteers Needed!
Want to help our community?
Become a Volunteer Firefighter!
Come down on any Tuesday night at 7:00 PM
23624 Jackson St
Clear Lake, WA 98235
Phone: 360-854-7940 Fax:360-856-6283 Email